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Category Archives: scared kitty

I see a flashy box! I’m staying put!

Birthday surprise for Brian

Originally uploaded by DianthusMoon

My dad got this from my grandmom for his birthday a few days ago. Ma put them on the dining table. Guess what I did-you know-I started to chew on the spiky plant in the back! Dad caught me and then noticed most of the points were gone off the plant’s leaves! I was taking a nap with ma the other day and I woke up coughing and choking a bit and she wondered why. They were both upset because they didn’t know if this plant was bad for me-ma said she wasn’t sure what it was maybe a dracaena? Here is a list of bad plants-and the dang dracaena is on there-guess it wasn’t that.  Needless to say it got moved and I am fine-whew! I’m glad they didn’t have to learn the hard way if it was toxic. Scary stuff!

Merry Clawmas and all that jazz! Look what I have to put up with! I am going to chew that hat to shreds on of these years. But check out my buff and pretty tummy girls! ; )
I forget-this is the time of year for all kinds of goodies! Yeah!
Have a good one!!




Ma said she wanted to see if I would try to get out from under this ‘trap’ thing as she went to get the flashy box. Well, I didn’t. It’s a trust issue and if she wanted me under it, I stayed for her-because I love her. This was only a minute or two. Ma has a thing for using clothes baskets as props. Sean was in one or two as a baby, but he got to sit in it, wasn’t under it.

Before dinner, I think I’m going to be stuffed in the carrier and taken for my check-up and rabies shot. Watch for a report later.

Later-well it went okay at the vet-got two shots. My mom mom went along with us and talked to me in the backseat of the van. I still cried and felt sorry for myself. Oh, and although ma unscrewed the lid of the carrier and caught me inside, I really didn’t put up a fight-what’s the use.

The ladies at the vet loved me as usual. Said because I’m getting older, I should get a complete bloodwork-for $100. Ma said I am good and can play like a cat half my age. She’ll watch me carefully, of course.

After the shot, I got back in the carrier with no complaint. On the way home, ma sat in the back and opened the door and I came out and watched the road a bit, but started getting itchy, so she made me go back in the carrier. I’ve been fine tonight and got on ma’s lap a few times. I wasn’t mad at her, or dad or mom mom.

Sorry I’ve been MIA a few weeks. Lots going on like my family going away for a few days and Sean going back to college. Ma had things she was working on-projects she says. My main aim in life is to get some fresh green grass in my mouth every day until it is wintertime. I was very loudly balking just tonight and ma put the wiz-wiz on so I would lose focus to quiet me down. Why did she just not take me out? She and Dad were gone all day over to the older dad’s house as he slipped off his bed and needed Dad to pick him up. Dad had just taken Old Dad to the doctor a few hours earlier. Those old folks should just stay curled up in their beds and let other people feed them. That’s my opinion.

No one really knows my real birthday, but today, 6 years ago, I wondered in my family’s yard and they decided to adopt me.(I learned this is called ‘Gotcha day’-good one!

Ma always says I adopted them. So to celebrate, we did nothing! It’s my brother’s last day at home before he drives back to PSU with a packed car. They were busy helping him. Ma did take me out on the harness and lo and behold, there was that Tuxie cat laying in my yard next to the yellow snake hose of all things! I was about 15 feet from him. Ma was telling him to go home and he was rolling all over the place like he was liking what she was saying. When we both started to hiss at each other, Ma dragged me around to the front of the house and then Tuxie went away. Ma thinks he was stalking a bunny family we have living near the house. Dad found a squirrel tail under the outdoor table yesterday. Ugh! The poor thing must have been hunting for nuts or something and got sprang on!

So I am happy to be here even though they shut me in the basement at night and when they go on trips. It’s better then facing the outside elements. I love them all in special ways. Thanks family.

My ma’s bro lost his kitty Langston, almost a week ago and is very sad-he ran away and didn’t come back yet. The kitty made the long journey up from Florida to Penna back in April.

He lived in my ma’s other bro’s basement for a month. Ma’s bro also has a dog and the cat loved the dog (go figure). So the cat’s dad got an apartment in an old house. He thinks the people upstairs had a party, scared Langston and someone opened his door by mistake and out went the cat. Langston is a big scaredy cat too. He hid all the time. Well he’s hiding good now-no sign of him. My uncle was looking for him with his dog and a skunk got them both! Ugh! Also, and this is sad, uncle stops by the local SPCA every night looking for the little black and white kitty.He says it looks like it did when ma and him use to go there as kids. It’s sad to see the mama kitties and babies in cages. Keeping claws and paws crossed he’ll show up!

What’s all this fuss about Mutter’s-don’t we all have them? I am happy to have my ma every day. For instance, she calms me down, hugs me, gives me treats and even found some new food that I gobbled up tonight called Iams!

She did go out today for a few hours with dad and human bro Sean who is home now and holding this thing with a cord on his lap all the time! Sean sits on one side of the soffie and Ma the other. I keep eyeing that black cord. I hate it! And the whiz whiz is in here a few feet away. A guy can’t get any peace!

So all you Mutters, hope you had a great day with your kitties!

The few times I’ve been out these last few weeks, I almost have a major spaz out! The more I walk and sniff, the more I feel the growls in my throat and my mind flashes with images of squirrels, ground hogs and mice! Ma said I even scared her one day and I was feeling so tense she said I was about to start to twirl like the Tasmanian Devil!


Dad had me out and got disgusted with my hisses and snarling.

Now today I was better, still hissed a little, but decided I wanted to go in when mom opened the door. She was very relieved. I had gotten a few morsels of steak, so I know how to act to make ma happy!