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Kimo and Sabi had a challenge to visit 5 new kitty blogs, so Ma and I sat down and went through a bunch. She’s a little blue because human bro’ Sean went back to school-her eyes are a bit puffy. She does that waahh-waahh stuff every time! Geez, she has me!

Here’s who we visited and will keep visiting all the nice kitties and beans who have been dropping by.

Life from a Cat’s Prospective

Victor the Vampire Kitty

The Island Cats

The Chesney Cat

not really last as we went through a bunch of blogs:

You guys all rock! Ma says she has so much going on in blogland, that she will try to get on here to help me a few times a week if she can. She also has her own blog, MySpace, Facebook, Flickr and sometimes her stores on eBay and etsy to work on. Plus her messy house. : )
Here I am loving the old rug that belonged to the older bean’s (Pop pop they call him). It’s wooly and think and keeps my bed comfy!

and a ‘behind’ view:
I’m going to try scratching on it to see what happens-let you know!
Have a great weekend!


  1. You sure picked some great kitties to visit!!!

    I love your special rug. 🙂


  2. What a cool rug you have for sleeping on!! We sure hope you didn’t swallow that Toy!! Maybe it got knocked uner a counter so something. That is where we always find ours!
    Your FL furiends,

  3. Good job!

  4. What a fine job. I have been finding so many new cats as I read other cats who have done this! I think I’ve done this without posting or trying!

  5. Oh dear! My person was using her wordpress account and it hadn’t logged her out–that was me up there!

  6. Thats a really nice rug! I bet it keeps your warm and cozy! 🙂
    All the other parents are the same, they are all really busy, we all just do what we can do when we want to :))


  7. That’s a perfect Cosmos sized rug you have there. Looks very comfy indeedy.

    Whicky Wuudler

  8. It is fun to make new furrends. We don’t think we have visited the Chesney Cats before, so we will have to do that today.

  9. That does look like a cosy rug for the winter snuggling. Hope you find your lost toy sometime!

  10. I like your cozy rug! It’s fun meeting new kitties, isn’t it! Kimo & Sabi had a great challenge!

    Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat

  11. Thanks for visiting us, Cosmo! And we think you like that rug cuz it smells like Pop Pop!

  12. Gee Cosmo, after I made my post today I saw yours! Mine is about wanting a new rug! How funny is that, us both talking about rugs … hee hee! I like yours very much, it does look really cozy!
    Purrs and headbutts,

  13. That rug looks purrty comfy…and it looks great to scratch!

  14. Hmmm, we would love a rug, but Ms. P has a habit of throwing up.

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